Photo of solenoid, alternator, and power train testing systems
Starter Testing Equipment

ST-64G2 Laboratory Performance Testing

The ST-64 is D&V Electronics' best analysis testing system for starter motor performance evaluation.

Photo of ST-64G2 testing system

The high resolution 16 bit data acquisition with 200 kHz fast data sampling provides in-depth analysis of starter motor operating parameters. The ST-64 model is primarily for analysis, development, lab, and research operations. The high torque option also makes it a good choice for heavy-duty (up to 10 kW) starter motor validation and other low volume operations.


  • Advanced testing designed to deliver maximum capabilities, flexibility and accuracy
  • User configurable graphical interface with wide range of virtual instruments
  • Programmable test profiles for complete control of test process
  • Ready for Start-Stop and Change-of-Mind Starters
  • High accuracy testing, including loaded performance, free run speed with non-contact sensor, and stall test
  • High resolution 16 bit Data Acquisition with fast data sampling at 200 000 samples/sec for all important channels
  • Load test conditions can include speed, torque, or current
  • Camera interface for easy pinion alignment
  • Graphical plotting utility allowing high-resolution presentation of all measured parameters
  • Interface to DV Link for network storage of test results
  • Advance diagnostic interface
  • User configurable graphic interface with wide range of virtual instruments
  • Capable of testing single/tandem coil solenoids with separate reading of contact/engagement coils
  • In-rush current limiting capabilities
  • Ready for Change of Mind (CoM) starters
  • Automated test with programmable scripting of test procedure provides complete control of test process
  • Servo-based linear positioning system for precise gear adjustment, automatic free-run and load test positioning
  • Scans performance curve as per ISO 8856 method
  • Step or sweep performance test
  • Computer controlled programmable 1500 Amp or 3000 Amp starter power supply, simulates batteries internal resistance
  • Computer controlled 120/240 Amp programmable solenoid power supply
  • In-line torque and/or reaction sensor measurement
  • Excellent for design and prototype labs, product quality assurance, component validation, and warranty analysis
  • Expandable measuring interface for custom requirements
  • Temperature inputs and auxiliary analog channels available for customer defined measurements
  • Optional solenoid block test or starter kinematic test
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